Coming Up

So, even with Royal Oaks barely out on the shelves, I’m so excited about my new project I can’t wait to give you guys a sneak peek.  So I won’t! Come up next is a book series set in the sleepy little (fictional) town of Bon Ami, Louisiana.  You’ll meet a lot of interesting folks... Continue Reading →


It's been a bit since I've posted but I've been in research mode.  The internet is a vast place and for an author to really get their name out there they have to find every little nook and cranny where they can rep their work.  At least, that's what I think.  So I've been finding... Continue Reading →


The magic moments just keep coming. My first review is a 5 Star! I mean, I know that it's from family, but it feels sooooo good just the same. Have you picked up your copy of Royal Oaks? If you have make sure you review on Amazon and on Goodreads! If you haven't what are... Continue Reading →

Update… Kinda

As for a publishing update, I’m currently waiting on the author copy of the paperback to show up in my mailbox.  I’m beyond excited to see my name on the cover of a book.  After I decide what tweaks need to be made to the cover formatting (there’s always tweaks to be made) then all... Continue Reading →

Get Ready!

I have patience in some situations.  I waited for a good version of Deadpool for near a decade.  However, I simply couldn’t wait to get the pre-order of Royal Oaks out. The e-book pre-order is live! What are you waiting for? Go pre-order!

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